Beyond this amazing designation, I wanted to give my services through my job to help others live a healthier lifestyle and being a personal trainer, it has given me the opportunity to do such that. I have decided to give my services for FREE to those who are local and would like to get involved with my Heart Healthy Fit Camp. It is a program for all ages and all fitness levels. I am not making a single dime on this program and all it takes to participate is a $50.00 donation to the American Heart Association.
Now I know a lot of you who have followed Kayleigh's journey are not local to participate in my program, but there is definitely a way you can help our team succeed in this years Cape Fear Heart Walk. In Kayleigh's name, I am asking for donations to help support a great cause. You don't have to donate a lot, but a little bit will add up.
We all know Kayleigh's heart condition (Pulmonary Hypertension) was one of the leading causes for her under development which landed her as one of the smallest to ever undergo open heart surgery, but the technology of today was the reason Aimee and I were able to spend over 10 months with our sweet daughter. That was the biggest blessing to us and we would love to give that blessing and more to other families out there.
Please click on the link below or the link in the top left toolbar to help give to a great cause. We greatly appreciate it more than ever.
Thank you so very much!
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