7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Deb Fischer spins her Get-Chuck-Hagel confirmation hearing performance in a World-Herald "exclusive"

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Senator Deb Fischer, the global warming denier who calls her heterosexual supremacist fellow traveler Chuck Hagel "extremist," just gave the newspaper that endorsed her an "exclusive" explanation of why she can't vote to confirm Hagel as Secretary of Defense.
     This was a two-fer for Fischer. Her spin, plus an article about her spin in the Herald, which raised none of the criticisms a fair newspaper should have.
     In her piece, Fischer didn't mention Israel once (clever girl) — only her concern that Hagel doesn't support (with US resources, of course) sufficient aggression toward Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, Israel's enemies. You see, she isn't a craven tool of the Israel First lobby after all!
     In the piece, Fischer made the staggering assertion that the Iraq surge "helped to turn around an unsuccessful war" (see appropriate links below which beg to differ) and went on to further parrot the Washington Post in its editorial disapproval of Hagel's "bloated" characterization of the Pentagon budget.
     (If Deb Fischer wishes to criticize Chuck Hagel for acknowledging bloat in the Pentagon budget, perhaps she would care to explain to her constituents the correct word to describe $79 billion spent on a fleet of $500 million bombers that are constantly in the shop, have never flown a combat mission and kill their pilots by gassing them unconscious.)

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     Earth to Deb Fischer: Tell the people who write your scripts to stop cribbing from Washington Post editorials and start reading The Guardian:
     Now, it's important to remember that when it comes to US foreign policy and national security, the Washington Post editorial board is pretty much always wrong – and the bigger the issue, the more wrong they are. They were badly wrong about the Iraq war (even going so far as to savage the wars critics); wrong about the surge in Afghanistan (is still badly wrong about current policy there); and is decidedly wrong on Chuck Hagel...
     ...According to the Post, Hagel believes that the defense department's budget is "bloated" and "needs to be pared down". Moreover, the Post dings Hagel for supposedly supporting the so-called sequestration cuts...
     The sequestration cuts are significant, but it's important to understand that if they were to go into effect, they would return the Pentagon to fiscal year 2007 levels. The idea that cuts of this nature are the height of irresponsibility is the height of insanity. In 2007, the Pentagon was fighting a war with more than 100,00 troops in Iraq. 
      Bottom line: if you thought Deb Fischer's second-rate gotcha questions indicated that Nebraska's junior senator's mind was already made up before the hearings even started and that her World-Herald stunt was just the posturing of a faux-judicious poseur, why then, you were almost certainly right.

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