22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi
CONGRESS IS IN SESSION (be back monday)
We, here at the TQ CONGRESS will be taking a hiatus from networking as we hold our semi-annual caucuses to debate and decide on our settings for the new season. Tomorrow it will be autumn and the leaves will be changing color soon. Perfect time for a readjustment. (Keep that freakin' chiropractor away from me!) Our home page TQ NEWS is going to become a strictly local Central New England oriented site. TQ NEWZ will be adding new contributors and looking at subjects like sports and humor that we haven't pigeonholed previously. We're going to stop linking RED JANE BIRD on the sidebar and cutting her loose to trumpet her Trotskyist agenda solo. ART, PIX, YAYAS AND RETRO/NEXUS will not see any dramatic changes at this point, but as time goes on and we're able to gauge our audience better, we may be fine tuning them. The ANNEX called TQ WORMTOWN will be videos only and the focus will be on Worcester, Massachusetts and it's environs. Occasionally I'll break my rules, as the head of any tribe is entitled to do. Monday, September 24, 2012 is the launch date. Be there! ~TQ

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