14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Ann Romney, Paul Ryan will speak at LGBT-bashing conference organized and sponsored by two SPLC-certified hate groups

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UPDATE: FRC spokesperson Darin Miller told BuzzFeed that the people listed on the online program were those both invited and confirmed. Only the ones with an asterisk next to their names were confirmed — and Mrs. Romney never had an asterisk. Paul Ryan will be there. (Via JMG.)

From The Raw Story:
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which considers the Family Research Council and American Family Association to be anti-LGBT hate groups, has urged public officials to avoid the conference.     “The FRC is far outside the mainstream,” a letter sent to public officials said (PDF). “It has engaged in repeated, groundless demonization – portraying LGBT people as sick, vile, incestuous, violent, perverted, and a danger to the nation. One of its officials has gone so far as to say that homosexuality should be criminalized.”     “The FRC’s extremism is vividly illustrated,” the letter added, “by the fact that it has invited the American Family Association (AFA) to co-sponsor the Summit at which you have been invited to speak. Here is what Bryan Fischer, the AFA’s Director of Issue Analysis, wrote in 2010: ‘Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and 6 million dead Jews.’”
The Nebraska affiliate of the Family Research Council is Family First, which, together with the Nebraska Family Council, gathered over 10,000 signatures to kill an equal employment ordinance extending protected class status to gay people as well as Christians.

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